Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to undress en español


undress verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
undressed, has undressed, is undressing, undresses
desvestir, desabrigar, desnudar; desvestirse, desnudarse

Ejemplos de uso de
undress verb

  • She undressed and climbed into bed.
  • She undressed the children for bed.

Traducción inversa para to undress

desvestir  - to undress 
desabrigar  - to undress, to uncover, to deprive of shelter 
desnudar  - to undress, to strip, to lay bare 
desvestirse  - to get undressed 
desnudarse  - to undress, to strip off one's clothing 
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